Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
73 Increase of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma and a plea for restrictive treatment: A retrospective study of 1,391 prospective documented patients
72 Streptococcal mediastinitis after thyroidectomy : A literature review.
Bures C, Zielinski V, Klatte T, Swietek N, Kober F, Tatzgern E, Bobak-Wieser R, Gschwandtner E, Gilhofer M, Wechsler-Fördös A, Hermann M.
Chirurg. 2015 Feb 5.
71 Local Recurrence in the Neck and Survival After Thyroidectomy for Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma.
Iesalnieks I, Machens A, Bures C, Krenz D, Winter H, Vorländer C, Bareck E, Alesina PF, Musholt T, Steinmüller T, Anthuber M, Goretzki P, Trupka A, Mayr M, Weber T, Schlitt HJ, Dralle H, Hermann M, Agha A.
Ann Surg Oncol. 2014 Dec 4.
70 Perioperative kinetics of parathyroid hormone in unilateral, primary thyroid surgery
Promberger R, Ott J, Bures C, Freissmuth M, Seemann R, Hermann M.
Endocrine, 25. Mai 2014; Ref.: Ms. No. ENDO-D-14-00291R2
69 Can a surgeon predict the risk of postoperative hypoparathyroidism during thyroid surgery? A prospective study on self-assessment by experts.
Promberger R, Ott J, Bures C, Kober F, Freissmuth M, Seemann R, Hermann M.
Am J Surg. 2014 Mar 26. pii: S0002-9610(14)00143-3. doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2013.11.007
68 Streptokokken Mediastinitis als lebensbedrohliche Komplikation nach Thyreoidektomie – erste cervicale VAC-Therapie und Literaturübersicht
Bures C, Klatte T, Gilhofer M, Neuhold N, Hermann M - Der Chirurg 2014, submitted
67 Late onset palsy of the recurrent laryngeal nerve after thyroid surgery: an unrecognized phenomenon with clinical impact – a prospective Data acquisition
Bures C MD, Bobak-Wieser R MD, Koppitsch C MD, Klatte T PD, Zielinski V MD,
Freissmuth M, Friedrich G, Repasi R, Hermann M
Br J Surgery 2014, Accepted for publication
66 A prospective study on surgical site infections in thyroid surgery
Clauda Bures, MD, Tobias Klatte, MD, Monika Gilhofer, BS, Michael Behnke, MD,
Ann-Christin Breier, MD, Nikolaus Neuhold, MD, and Michael Hermann, MD, Vienna,
Austria and Berlin, Germany
Surgery, 2014; 155:675-81
65 guidelines for complications after thyroid surgery: pitfalls in diagnosis and advice for continuous quality improvement
Bures C, Klatte T, Friedrich G, Hermann M
Eur Surg (2014) 46:38–47
64 Intraoperative pharmacologic increase of systemic blood pressure to detect the source of
hemorrhage in thyroid surgery and reoperation: a case report
Tonninger-Bahadori K, Bures C, Zipko H T, Klatte T, Hermann M,
Langenbecks Arch Surg (2013) 398:347–375
63 Minimally invasive follicular thyroid cancer (MIFTC)-a consensus report of the
European Society of Endocrine Surgeons (ESES).
Dionigi G, Kraimps JL, Schmid KW, Hermann M, Sheu-Grabellus SY, De Wailly P, Beaulieu A, Tanda ML, Sessa F.
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2013 Nov 14. [Epub ahead of print]
62 Quality of life after thyroid surgery in women with benign euthyroid goiter:
influencing factors including Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
Promberger R, Hermann M, Pallikunnel SJ, Seemann R, Meusel M, Ott J.
Am J Surg. 2013 Sep 23. pii: S0002-9610(13)00441-8
61 Dehydroepiandrosterone in women with premature ovarian failure and Hashimoto's thyroiditis
Ott J, Pecnik P, Promberger R, Pils S, Seemann R, Hermann M, Frigo P.
Climacteric. 2013 Jun 28.
60 German Association of Endocrine Surgeons practice guideline for the surgical management of malignant thyroid tumors.
Dralle H, Musholt TJ, Schabram J, Steinmüller T, Frilling A, Simon D, Goretzki PE, Niederle B, Scheuba C, Clerici T, Hermann M, Kußmann J, Lorenz K, Nies C, Schabram P, Trupka A, Zielke A, Karges W, Luster M, Schmid KW, Vordermark D, Schmoll HJ, Mühlenberg R, Schober O, Rimmele H, Machens A; German Societies of General and Visceral Surgery; Endocrinology; Nuclear Medicine; Pathology; Radiooncology; Oncological Hematology; and the German Thyroid Cancer Patient Support Organization Ohne Schilddrüse leben e.V.
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2013 Mar;398(3):347-75
Schneider R, Bures C, Lorenz K, Dralle H, Freissmuth M, Hermann M.
World J Surg. 2013 Feb;37(2):364-8
58 Risk factors for postoperative bleeding after thyroid surgery.
Promberger R, Ott J, Kober F, Koppitsch C, Seemann R, Freissmuth M, Hermann M.
Br J Surg. 2012 Mar;99(3):373-9.
57 [Continuous intraoperative neuromonitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerve in thyroid surgery (CIONM) - Where are we now? An update to the European Symposium of Continuous Neuromonitoring in Thyroid Surgery].
Schneider R, Lamade W, Hermann M, Goretzki P, Timmermann W, Hauss J, Leinung S.
Zentralbl Chir. 2012 Feb;137(1):88-90.
Musholt TJ, Clerici T, Dralle H, Frilling A, Goretzki PE, Hermann MM, Kussmann J, Lorenz K, Nies C, Schabram J, Schabram P, Scheuba C, Simon D, Steinmüller T, Trupka AW, Wahl RA, Zielke A, Bockisch A, Karges W, Luster M, Schmid KW; Interdisciplinary Task Force Guidelines of the German Association of Endocrine Surgeons.
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2011 Jun;396(5):639-49. Epub 2011 Mar 22.
Ott J, Meusel M, Schultheis A, Promberger R, Pallikunnel SJ, Neuhold N, Hermann M.
Virchows Arch. 2011 Sep;459(3):277-81. Epub 2011 Jul 24.
Neuhold N, Schultheis A, Hermann M, Krotla G, Koperek O, Birner P.
Ann Surg Oncol. 2011 Mar 23. [Epub ahead of print]
Ott J, Promberger R, Kober F, Neuhold N, Tea M, Huber JC, Hermann M.
Thyroid. 2011 Feb;21(2):161-7. Epub 2010 Dec 27. Erratum in: Thyroid. 2011 Apr;21(4):467.
52 Normal parathyroid hormone levels do not exclude permanent hypoparathyroidism after thyroidectomy.
Promberger R, Ott J, Kober F, Karik M, Freissmuth M, Hermann M.
Thyroid. 2011 Feb;21(2):145-50. Epub 2010 Dec 29.
Promberger R, Ott J, Kober F, Mikola B, Karik M, Freissmuth M, Hermann M.
Thyroid. 2010 Dec;20(12):1371-5. Epub 2010 Oct 18.
50 A new vagal anchor electrode for real-time monitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
Schneider R, Przybyl J, Pliquett U, Hermann M, Wehner M, Pietsch UC, König F, Hauss J,
Jonas S, Leinung S.
Am J Surg. 2010 Apr;199(4):507-14.
49 [Minimally invasive follicular thyroid carcinoma : Not always total thyroidectomy].
Hermann M, Tonninger K, Kober F, Furtlehner EM, Schultheis A, Neuhold N.
Chirurg. 2010 Jul;81(7):627-30, 632-5. Review. German.
48 Lunar phase does not influence the incidence of postoperative haemorrhage after thyroid surgery: an analysis of 26,852 operations
Promberger R, Ott J, Mikola B, Freissmuth M, Hermann M.
Eur Surgery 2010;(2):72-6.
47 A new anchor electrode design for continuous neuromonitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerve by vagal nerve stimulations.
Schneider R, Przybyl J, Hermann M, Hauss J, Jonas S, Leinung S.
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2009 Sep;394(5):903-10. Epub 2009 May 9.
46 Postoperative Hyperparathyrinämie nach kurativer Parathyreoidektomie beim primären Hyperparathyreoidismus
Hermann M
Eingeladener Review, Chirurg. 2010 May;81(5):447-53.
45 Kinetics of serum parathyroid hormone during and after thyroid surgery
Hermann M, Ott J, Promberger R, Kober F, Karik M, Freissmuth M
British Journal of Surgery 2008; 95: 1480–7.
44 Versorgungsauftrag in der “High-Volume Clinic” - Kritische Betrachtung der
endoskopischen Schilddrüsenchirurgie als Routineeingriff bei absoluter OP-Indikation
Hermann M
Minimal Invasive Chirurgie 16, 2. 2007
43 Prospective study protocol for parathyroid function during and after thyroidectomy.
Ott J, Promberger R, Karik M, Freissmuth M, Hermann M
Eur Surg, 2006
42 Der postoperative Hypoparathyreoidismus nach Schilddrüsenoperation – eine unter schätzte Komplikation (eingeladene Übersichtsarbeit)
Hermann M
Viszeralchirurgie 2005: 40: 185-194
41 Neuromonitoring in Thyroid Surgery: Prospective Evaluation of Intraoperative Electro physiological Responses for the Prediction of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Injury
Hermann M, Hellebart C, Freissmuth M
Annals of Surgery 2004;240:9-17
40 Histological grading and prognosis in locally invasive papillary thyroid cancer
Roka S, Armbruster C, Kriwanek St, Feichtinger J, Glaser K., Hermann M (2004)
Eur Surg 2004 36/4:239-241
39 Mediastinothoracic approaches in surgery for thyroid cancer
Roka S, Roka J, Armbruster Ch, Kriwanek St, Hermann M (2004)
Eur Surg 2004 36/4:242-245
38 Neuromonitoring of the recurrent nerve – validation and merits
Hermann M, Freissmuth M
Eur Surg 2003; 35:228-235
37 Neuromonitoring in thyroid surgery – who benefits ? – Editorial
Gast-Editor des Themenheftes „Neuromonitoring“ der Eur Surg
Hermann M, Wolf G
2003; 35:225-226
36 Biomechanik der Bauchdecke
Hollinsky C, Hermann M, Glaser KS
Chir Gastroenterol 2003; 19:29 - 34
35 Dreidimensionale Computeranimation - neues Medium zur Unterstützung des Aufklärungsgesprächs vor Operationen. Akzeptanz und Bewertung der Patienten anhand einer prospektiv randomisierten Studie - Bild versus Text
Hermann M
Chirurg 2002; 73:500-507
34 Laryngeal Recurrent Nerve Injury in Surgery for Benign Thyroid Diseases: Effect of
Nerve dissection and Impact of Individual Surgeon in more than 27,000 Nerves at Risk
Hermann M, Alk G, Roka R, Glaser K, Freissmuth M
Annals of Surgery 2002; 235,2, 261-268
33 Reoperation as treatment of relapse after subtotal thyroidectomy in Graves´disease
Hermann M, Roka R, Richter B, Koriska K, Susanne Göbl, Freissmuth M
Surgery 1999; 125, 5, 522
32 Spontanes thorakales Weichteilemphysem im Übersichtsbild. Radiologischer Einstieg in eine mehr als ungewöhnliche Ätiologie
Gruber I, Hermann M, Schratter M
Fortschr Röntgenstr 1999; 170: 493
31 Early relapse after surgery for Grave´s disease: Postoperative hormone kinetics and outcome after subtotal, near total and total thyroidectomy
Hermann M, Roka R, Richter B, Freissmuth M
Surgery 1998 ; 124, 5, 894
30 Palliation of anastomotic tumor recurrence after esophagectomy and gastric transposition: cervico-mediastinal resection and reconstruction by using a free jejunal transplant
Hermann M, Piza-Katzer H, Leitgeb A, Roka S, Roka R
Diseases of the esophagus 1998; 11: 75-77
29 Small bowel obstruction caused by incarceration in the 12mm cannulation site following laparoscopic hernia repair
Hermann M, Hollinsky Ch, Schwarz E, Roka R
Surgical Endoscopy, zur Publikation angenommen
28 Thorakoskopische Resektion eines Ösophagusdivertikels
Hermann M, Roka R
Acta Chir Austriaca 1996; 28: 172-175
27 Komplizierte Appendizitis bei caudaler Zökum-Dystopie - „verlagerte“ Nativröntgen-Marker
Schratter M, Hermann M, Knittel M, Horak B, Binder A, Roka R;
Röntgenpraxis 1995; 48: 187-189
26 Thorakoskopische Ösophagektomie. Technik, erste Erfahrung und kritische Bewertung
Hermann M, Pridun N, Eckersberger F, Roka R
Acta Chir Austriaca 1994; 26: 113-116
25 Reconstructive surgery after hemilaryngectomy for recurrent thyroid cancer using a free jejunal patch graft
Hermann M, Piza-Katzer H, Freissmuth M, Roka R
Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 1994; 93: 860-864
24 Thyroid surgery in untreated severe hyperthyroidism: Perioperative kinetics of free thyroid hormones in the glandular venous effluent and peripheral blood
Hermann M, Roka R, Richter B, Freissmuth M
Surgery 1994; 115: 240-245
23 Sonographische Diagnostik von Secundärblastomen der Schilddrüse
Binder A, Hermann M, Schratter M
Fortschr. Röntgenstr. 1994; 299-302
22 Immunhistochemische Untersuchungen des mononuklearen zellulären Infiltrates von papillären, follikulären und anaplastischen Schilddrüsenkarzinomen
Kornfehl J, Wilfing A, Hermann M
Laryngorhinootologie 1994; 73: 183-188
21 Stimulation of thyroid growth via the inhibitory G-Protein Gi: Constitutive expression of the G-Protein alpha-subunit Gi-alpha1 in autonomous adenoma.
Selzer E, Wilfing A, Schifferer A, Hermann M, Grubeck- Löwenstein B, Freissmuth M Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1993; 90: 1609-1613
20 Do heat shock proteins play a role in Graves'disease? Heat shock protein-specific T-cells from Graves'disease thyroids do not recognize thyroid epithelial cells
Trieb K, Sztankay A, Hermann M, Gratzl R, Szabo J, Jindal S, Grubeck-Loebenstein B
J. Clin Endocrinol Metab 1993; 77: 528-535
19 Risikofaktoren der Recurrensparese – eine statistische Analyse an 7566 Struma-OPs
Hermann M, Keminger K, Kober F, Nekahm Doris
Chirurg 1991; 62: 182-188
18 Farbkodierte Doppler-Sonographie der Schilddrüse: Ein Fortschritt in der Karzinomdiagnostik ?
Hübsch P,Niederle B,Barton P, Pesau B, Knittel M, Schratter M, Hermann M und Längle F
Fortschr. Röntgenstr. 1992; 156: 125-129
17 Suramin affects differentiated and undifferentiated thyroid epithelial cells in vitro
Trieb K, Dorfinger K, Selzer E, Neuhold N, Wilfing A, Czernin S, Gessl A, Hermann M,
Niederle B, Vierhapper H, Freissmuth M, Grubeck-Loebenstein B
J.of Endocrinology 1992; 134: 505-511
16 Gi alpha-1 expression in the human thyroid is regulated by TSH: loss of regulation in thyroid autonomous adenoma
Selzer E, Schifferer A, Hermann M, Grubeck-Loebenstein B, Freissmuth M,
Thyroidology 1992; 4: 7-10
15 Recurrensparesen nach Schilddrüsenoperationen - Verlaufskontrolle und Beschwerdebild
Nekahm Doris, Frank F, Hermann M
Sprache-Stimme-Gehör 1991; 15: 5-8
14 Reeingriffe bei anaplastischen Karzinomen und Sarkomen der Schilddrüsen
Hermann M, Kober F, Hollinsky Ch, Heiss Agnes
Wien Klein Wochenschr 1990; 102: 260-264
13 Maligne Lymphome der Schilddrüse
Heiss Agnes, Kober F, Loicht U, Kokoschka R, Hermann M, Widhalm G
Wien Klin Wochenschr 1990; 102: 247-249
12 Prognostische Faktoren bei hochmalignen Schilddrüsentumoren
Hollinsky Ch, Kober F, Hermann M, Loicht U, Keminger K
Wien Klin Wochenschr 1990; 102: 249-253
11 Der intraoperative Schnellschnitt in der Strumachirurgie
Hermann M, Keminger K, Hollinsky Ch, Kober F
Acta Chir.Austriaca 1989; 21: 265-269
10 Human hepatocellular cancers show decreased prostaglandin E1 binding capacity
Virgolini Irene, Sinzinger H, Müller Ch, Hermann M
Br.J.Cancer 1989; 59: 407-409
9 Verlust von hochaffinen Prostacyclin-Bindungsstellen bei Patienten mit Morbus Basedow
Virgolini Irene,Weiss K, Hermann M ,Sinzinger H,Höfer R
Nuklearmedizin. 1989; 28: 17-20
8 Der Secundäreingriff im onkologischen Konzept der Struma maligna
Keminger K, Kober F, Hermann M
Zent.bl.Chir.1989; 114: 1209-1216
7 Decrease of the prostaglandin I2 binding capacity in thyroids from patients with Graves'disease
Virgolini Irene, Hermann M, Sinzinger H
Prostaglandins-Leukot-Essent-Fatty-Acids 1989; 37: 121-128
6 Erfahrungen mit differenzierten Schilddrüsenkarzinomen
Keminger K, Hollinsky Ch, Kober F, Hermann M
Acta Chir.Austriaca 1989; 21: 260-264
5 Prostaglandin-Interaktion in der menschlichen Leber
Virgolini I,Weiss K, Hermann M ,Müller C,Sinzinger H
Klin.Wochenschr 1989; 67 (24) 1229-35
4 Decrease of prostaglandin I2 binding sites in thyroid cancer
Virgolini Irene, Hermann M, Sinzinger H
Br.J.Cancer 1988; 58: 584-588
3 Comparative Anatomy of Human and Sheep Laryngeal Skeleton
Zrunek M, Happak W, Hermann M, Streinzer W
Acta Otolaryngol 1988; 105: 155-162
2 Evaluation of Prostaglandin-Receptors in human and rat liver:
Interspecies differences at the prostaglandin receptor level
Virgolini I,Müller Ch, Hermann M ,Schütz W,Sinzinger H
Prostaglandins 1988; 36 : 807-818
1 Die Fernmetastasierung der Struma maligna - eine retrospektive Studie über 892 Fälle
Hermann M, Kober F, Keminger K
Onkologie 1987; 10: 350-355